Our mission is to educate your staff and give them the tools to make healthy lifestyle changes. We offer holistic wellness workshops, classes and services on your premises or virtually.
This makes for a convenient and cost-effective way to help reduce stress, improve productivity, and enhance the overall well-being of your company.
The Royal Treatment is here to support you and your staff by offering healthy choices for coping with stress and improving employee’s well-being. Times have changed and companies now have the opportunity to change the way they support the mental well-being of teams – their most valuable resource. Please consider The Royal Treatment workshops to improve staff well-being.

Let’s Go Deep Into Wellness
A series of in-depth sessions focused on wellness. Each of these series gives the participants the potential to make healthy lifestyle changes while broadening their knowledge and skills. Each session will combine education, coaching and action plans to guide your staff to total wellness. Participants will receive a workbook to keep them on track and feel supported throughout the process. Accountability is key to the success of these programs and we emphasize that.

Well-Being Coaching is a powerful tool and process that allows for emotional support. Coaching helps people improve their coping skills, creates opportunities for people to understand themselves better so they can be more productive, more present and contribute to the success of the company.
Therapeutic Hypnosis can be used to safely and effectively make many healthy behavioral changes. Hypnosis is a state of focused, relaxed awareness. You can bypass the critical factor in the mind to positively influence the subconscious mind.
Aromatherapy Training is a hands-on training where participants learn the value of essential oils and how they can enhance your sleep, reduce stress, sharpen focus and decrease muscle aches along with a host of other ailments.

The Royal Treatment wellness events are customized to client’s needs. They are interactive and include education and tools/tips. We approach these wellness events from a holistic prospective and engage the attendees meeting them where they are and helping them make changes they want to embrace.
We meet (in person or virtually) with our client to customize and discuss what the needs of the company are and how a wellness event will help create healthy lifestyle changes.

Holistic Healthcare for a Healthy Body and Mind
Your staff needs these services now more than ever. Bodywork addresses emotional and physical stress, enhances immunity and boosts energy.
Chair Massage
Inspire your employees to eat healthy. Food Demonstrations can foster a better understanding of the foods that fuel our bodies and transform the way we look at our nutrition.
Food Demonstrations – Your team has the opportunity to interact with a professional Nutritional Coach who will teach them how to create delicious, healthy and easy to make recipes.
Contact us for a copy of our latest catalog of services and to meet us to discuss your wellness plans.
561-213-7368 | barbara@nostressworkplace.com